Sunday, November 28, 2010



Design and control of animation sequences are handled with a set of animation
routines. A general-purpose language, such as C, Lisp, Pascal, or FORTRAN, is
often used to program the animation functions, but several specialized animation
languages have been developed. Animation functions include a graphics editor, a
key-frame generator, an in-between generator, and standard graphics routines.
The graphics editor allows us to design and modify object shapes, using spline
surfaces, constructive solid-geometry methods, or other representation schemes.
A typical task in an animation specilkation is scene description. This includes
the positioning of objects and light sources, defining the photometric parameters
(light-source intensities and surface-illumination properties), and setting the
camera parameters (position, orientation, and lens characteristics). Another standard
function is action specifimtion. This involves the layout of motion paths for
the objects and camera. And we need the usual graphics routines: viewing and
perspective transformations, geometric transformations to generate object movements
as a function of accelerations or kinematic path specif~cations,v isible-surface
identification, and the surface-rendering operations.
Key-frame systems are specialized animation languages designed simply
to generate the in-betweens from the user-specified key frames. Usually, each object
in the scene is defined as a set of rigid bodies connected at the joints and with
a limited number of degrees of freedom. As an example, the single-arr.1 robot in
Fig. 16-4 has six degrees of freedom, which are called arm sweep, shoulder
swivel, elbow extension, pitch, yaw, and roll. We can extend the number of degrees
of freedom for this robot arm to nine by allowing three-dimensional translations
for the base (Fig. 16-51. If we also allow base rotations, the robot arm can
have a total of 12 degrees of freedom. The human body, in comparison, has over
200 degrees of freedom.
Parameterized systems allow object-motion characteristics to be specified
as part of the object definitions. The adjustable parameters control such object
characteristics as degrees of freedom, motion limitations, and allowable shape

Scripting systems allow object specifications and aninlation sequences to
be defined with a user-input script. From the script, a library of various objects
and motions can be constructed