Module 1
Matrices and Vector spaces: Rank of matrix, Echelon and normal form, Solutions of
linear systems of algebraic equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, Cayley- Hamilton
theorem (no proof). Vector Spaces- Subspaces,-Linear Independence of vectors-Linear
span-Dimension and Basis. Linear transformations.
Module 2
Fourier series and Fourier integrals: Fourier series of Periodic functions-Euler formulae
for Fourier coefficients- functions having period 2π , arbitrary period- even and odd
functions-half range expansions, Fourier integral, Fourier cosine and sine
transformations, linearity property, transform of derivatives, convolution theorem (no
Module 3
Laplace transforms: Linearity property, transforms of elementary functions, Laplace
transforms of derivatives and integrals, differentiation and integration of transforms,
convolution theorm (no proof), use of Laplace transforms in the solution of initial value
problems, unit step function, impulse function - transform of step functions, transforms of
periodic functions.
Module 4
Vector calculus : Scalar and Vector point functions-Gradient and directional derivative of
a scalar point functions.- Divergence and Curl of a vector point functions- their physical
Evaluation of line integral, surface integral and volume integrals, Gauss’s divergence
theorem,. Stoke’s theorem (No Proof of these theorem), conservative force fields,
scalar potential.
Text books:
1. R.K. Jain, S.R.K Iyengar: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa
2. C.R. Wilie & L.C. Barrett: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, MGH Co.
1. Larry C Andrews, Ronald C Philips: Mathematical Techniques for Engineers &
Scientists, PHI
2. M.C. Potter, J.L. Goldberg: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Oxford university
3. B. S. Grewal: Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna publishers,1986
Type of questions for University Examination
Question 1 - 8 short answer questions of 5 marks each. 2 questions from each module
Question 2-5 – There will be two choices from each module .Answer one question from each module of
15 marks
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 CS Sem III
Module 1
Number Systems and codes: Binary ,Octal and Hexa decimal number Systems-Binary
arithematic ,binary code,Excess-3 code, Gray error detection and correction.
Boolean Algebra: Poslulates and theorems, representation of switching functions –SOP
and POS forms –Karnaugh map representation –Minimization using K-maps.
Module 2
Design of combinational circuits:-Tabular minimization:- Design of single output and
muti-output functions-Design using AND,OR,NOT ,NAND NOR and EX-OR gates,
Logic circuits from Boolean Expressions. Design using MSI and LSI devices-Digital
Multiplexer /Selector Decoder. Demultiplexer –Design of 4 bit adder, Carry look ahead
adder –BCD Convertor,Logic implementation using ROM,PAL and PLA.
Module 3
Introduction to Sequential Ckts: combinational Versus sequential Circuits,
Asymchronous Versus Synchronous circuits-Memory elements and their Excitation
function-Tff, Dff, RSff, JK ffs and their excitation requirements –Design of Sequential
Circuits- Shift Registers, Counters –Synchronous and Asynchronous counters, Up—
Down counters, Modular Counter, Ring Counter, Johnson counter ,Analysis of Sequential
circuits-State table and Diagrams.
Module 4
Logic Families: RTL ,DTL ,TTL,CMOS –Tristate logic –Specification and transfer
characteristics of basic TTL interfaces,-Standard logic levels-Current and voltage
parameters-fan in and fan out –Propagation delay, integrated circuit modules, noise
consideration-Interfacing of CMOS to TTL and interfacing of TTL to CMOS.
Text Book:
1. Yarbrough, “Digital Logic Apllications And Design” , Thomson Learning, India
1. Taub & Schilling ,”Digital Integrated Electronics”, Mc Graw Hill
2. Samuel C Lee ,”Digital Circuits and logic Design”,Precentice Hall
3. A p Malvino , “ Digital Computer Electronics “, Tata Mc Graw Hill
4. Morris Miller ,”Design with TTL integrated Circuit”, Mc Graw hill
5. Peatman, ”Digital Hardware Design “,”, Mc Graw Hill
6. Ronald J Tocci ,”Digital Systems ,Principles and Applications”, Prentice Hall
7. Lloyd ,”Digital Fundamentals “, universal , N .Delhi
8. Mercins , “Switching Circuits “, Prentice Hall
9. MOS-LSI Circuits , Publication of Texas Instruments
10. Douglas v hall ,” Digital Circuits and Systems “, Mc Graw Hill
11. R P Jain , Principles of Digital Electronics
12. Mike Toolay, “Electronic Circuits – Fundamentals and Applications”, Elsevier, New
Type of questions for University Examination
Question 1 - 8 short answer questions of 5 marks each. 2 questions from each module
Question 2-5 – There will be two choices from each module .Answer one question from each module of
15 marks
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 CS Sem III
Module 1
Logics and Proofs ,propositions, conditional propositions and logical equivalences,
quantifiers, proofs resolution, mathematical induction ,sets ,relations ,equivalence
relations ,functions.
Module 2
Algorithms introduction, notations, recursive algorithms, complexity of algorithm,
counting methods and pigeon hole principle, recurrence relations.
Module 3
Graph theory, paths and cycles, Hamiltonian cycles, representation of graphs, Eulerian
paths, traveling sales man problem, trees, characterization, spanning trees, game trees.
Module 4
Algebraic systems semi groups, monoid, subgroups, homomorphism, isomorphism
automorphism , rings, sub rings, posets, lattice, hasse diagrams
Text books:
1. Richard Johnsonbaugh - Discrete Mathematics Pearson Education fifth edition
2. Satinder Bal Gupta - Discrete mathematical structures Laxmi publications III
1. Malik D. S., Sen S. K - Discrete Mathematical Structures , Thomson Learning
2. Garry Haggard, John Schlipf, Sue Whitesides, Discrete Mathematics for Computer
Science, Thomson Learning
3. Bernard Kolman, Robert C Busby, Sharon Cutler Ross, Nadeem-ur-rehman Discrete
mathematical structures, Pearson Education
4. J P Tremblay and Manohar Mc Graw Hill - Discrete mathematical structures with
applications to computer science -
5. John Truss Addison Wesley- Discrete mathematical structures for Computer
Type of questions for University Examination
Question 1 - 8 short answer questions of 5 marks each. 2 questions from each module
Question 2-5 – There will be two choices from each module .Answer one question from each module of
15 marks
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 CS Sem III
Module 1
Object oriented technology, comparison with procedural programming (C and C++),key
concepts of object programming, input and output in C++, declarations ,control
structures, functions
Module 2
Classes and Objects, declaring objects, accessing member variables, defining member
functions, inline functions, static member variables and functions, friend function,
overloading, constructors and destructors, overloading constructors, copy constructors
anonymous objects, dynamic initialization using constructors, dynamic operators and
constructors, recursive constructors encapsulation
Module 3
Inheritance, types of inheritance, virtual base class, abstract class, advantages and
disadvantages of inheritance, pointers and arrays, C++ and memory
Module 4
Binding, polymorphism and virtual functions, generic programming with templates,
exception handling, string handling and file handling
Text Books:
1. Ashok N Kamthane , Pearson education - Object oriented programming with ANSI
and TURBO C++ ,
2. Saurav Sahay - Object oriented programming with C++, Oxford
1. Malik, Thomson Learning C++ Programming :From Problem Analysis To Program
2. Forouzan, Thomson Learning - Computer Science :A Structured Approach Using
C++,2nd Ed.,
Type of questions for University Examination
Question 1 - 8 short answer questions of 5 marks each. 2 questions from each module
Question 2-5 – There will be two choices from each module .Answer one question from each module of
15 marks
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 CS Sem III
Module 1
Programming domains. Language Evaluation.Programming paradigms -Imperative
programming,Functional programming,Object oriented programming,Logic
programming. Formal methods of describing syntax and semantics - Backus Naur Form,
Attribute grammars. Describing semantics - Denotational semantics.
Module 2
Data types, Names, Variables, Bindings, Scope and lifetime, Referencing Environments-
Named Constants-Variable Initialization-Subprograms-Parameter Passing-Coroutines.
Module 3
Data abstraction and encapsulation. Polymorphism and inheritance. Features of objectoriented
languages - Smalltalk,C++ and Java.Design and implementation issues.
Exception handling.
Module 4
Functional programming languages - Lambda calculus - Introduction to pure LISP .
Application of functional programming languages. Logic programming languages - a
brief introduction to predicate calculus - Horn clauses - Logic programming.
Introduction to Prolog. Applications of Logic programming.
Text Books:
1. Robert W.Sebesta, "Concepts of Programming Languages".
2. Ravi Sethi, "Programming Languages-concepts and constructs”, Addison Wesley,
Second Edition , 1996.
1. Michael L. Scott, “Programming Language Pragmatics – Elsevier, New Delhi
2. Thomson Learning, Kenneth.C.Louden, “Programming Languages:Principles And
Practices” ,2nd Ed.,.
3. Terence W. Pratt, "Programming Languages", Prentice Hall , Ninth edition1996.
4. Michael J Gordon, “Programming Language Theory and its implementation",
Prentice Hall ,1991
5. Bjarn Stroustrup, “Design and Evolution of C++”, Addison Wesley, 1991
6. “Symbolic Logic and Logic programming”, Learning Material Series, Indian Society
for Tech. Education, 1996
7. James Gosling “Java Programming Language”, Addison Wesley,
Type of questions for University Examination
Question 1 - 8 short answer questions of 5 marks each. 2 questions from each module
Question 2-5 – There will be two choices from each module .Answer one question from each module of
15 marks
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 CS Sem III
Module I
DC power supplies - power transformers - rectification - half wave , full wave, bridge -
expression for ripple factor, efficiency, comparison, diode ratings. filters - capacitor - inductor
LC filters- use of bleeder resistor - voltage multipliers - dual power supplies - zener and
avalanche diodes - simple and series voltage regulator. Special semiconductor devices: Principles
and operation of photodiodes, PIN diodes, phototransistors, LED, UJT. MOSFET- basic
principles & characteristics.
Module II
Small Signal amplifiers: Bipolar junction transistor – configurations, characteristics - current
amplification factors - relations between alpha & beta – comparison. BJT amplifiers: Biasing
techniques of BJT- stabilization of operating point - h-parameters - CE RC coupled amplifier -
concept of load lines- frequency response of RC coupled amplifier - frequency analysis of R C
coupled amplifier - lower cut-off frequency - upper cut-off frequency - 3 db bandwidth.
FET Amplifiers: Principle of operation, characteristics, Common source amplifier- design,
frequency response-applications
Module III
Power amplifier - classification - class A, B, AB and C power amplifiers-tuned amplifier- pushpull
and complementary symmetry power amplifier –Harmonic distortion – Heat sinks.
Feed-back amplifiers: concept of Negative and positive feedback – Bark Hausen criteria -low
frequency sinusoidal oscillators
High frequency oscillators – types- LC, Crystal oscillators –circuit diagram-descriptionapplications
Module IV
Pulse Circuits:-Different types Pulse circuits - pulse characteristics - Pulse shaping using RC
circuits - Differentiating and integrating circuits –applications. Clipping and clamping circuits
using diodes - Transistor as a switch– simple sweep circuits-bootstrap sweep.
Multivibrators-astable, monostable and bistable ciruits using BJTs-applications
Text book:
1. Boylestead & Neshelsky, Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory, Prentice Hall of
2. Millman & Halkias, Electronic Devices & Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.1996
3. Taub &Schilling, Pulse,digital and Switching ciruits,Tata Mc Graw Hill 2002
1. Bapat Y N, Electronic Devices & Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.1995
2. Allan Mottorshed, Electronic Devices & Circuits, Prentice Hall of India, New
3. Schilling & Belove, Electronic Circuits, Discrete & Integrated, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi 1989
4. Theodore F.Bogart, Electronic Devices & Circuits Universal Book Stall, New Delhi
Type of questions for University Examination
Question 1 - 8 short answer questions of 5 marks each. 2 questions from each module
Question 2-5 – There will be two choices from each module .Answer one question from each module of
15 marks
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 CS Sem III
1. Study of - Multimeter, Signal generators, CRO etc. and measurement of
electrical quantities (Voltage, Current, FREQUENCY & PHASE)
2. Characteristics of Active devices
• Forward and reverse characteristics of a diode - measurement of forward
• Common base characteristics of a transistor - measurement of current gain, input
resistance and output resistance, maximum ratings of the transistor.
• Common emitter characteristics of a transistor - measurement of current gain,
input resistance and output resistance, relation between and study of the effect of
leakag current, maximum ratings of the transistor.
• Common source characteristics of a JFET - measurement of transconductance gm
o drain to source resistance rds , use of FET as VVR.
3.Rectifying circuits
• HW rectifier
• FW rectifier
• FW Bridge rectifier
• Filter circuits - Capacitor filter, inductor filter and Pi section filter
(Measurement of ripple factor, maximum ratings of the devices)
4.Regulators –Simple zener voltage regulator,study of transistor series voltage regulator
5.RC coupled amplifier-Frequency response characteristics
6.Low frequency oscillators-RC phase shift or Wien Bridge oscillator
7.Differentiating and Integrating circuits
1. Clipping and clamping circuits
2. Astable multivibrator
Note: 50% Marks is earmarked for continuous evaluation and 50% marks for end
semester examination to be assessed by two examiners. A candidate shall secure a
minimum of 50% marks separately for the two components to be eligible for a pass
in that subject.
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 CS Sem III
Exercises to make the students understand the following concepts
Difference between struct and class
Data abstraction
Data encapsulation and information hiding
Single inheritance
Multiple inheritance
Multilevel inheritance
Hierarchical inheritance
Abstract class
Operator overloading
Function overloading
Pointers and arrays
Note: 50% Marks is earmarked for continuous evaluation and 50% marks for end
semester examination to be assessed by two examiners. A candidate shall secure a
minimum of 50% marks separately for the two components to be eligible for a pass
in that subject.
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