Thursday, November 3, 2011

System testing


     Testing is the activity where the errors from all the previous phase must be detected. Hence testing performs a critical role for ensuring quality. Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification design and coding.
     System is actually a series of different tests whose purpose is to fully exercise the computer based system. If the test is conducted successfully, it will uncover errors in the software. A second benefit is that the software is appearing to be working according to specification and those performances requirements appear to have been met.

     The objective is to design tests that systematically uncover different classes of errors and do with a minimum amount of time and effort.
The objectives for a good test procedure are the following
       * Testing is the process of executing a program with the intention of finding an error
       * A good case is one that has a probability of finding an as –yet undiscovered error
      * A successful test is that which uncovers an as yet undiscovered error.

     The white box testing focuses on the program control structure and is also called clear box testing. Test cases are derived to ensure that all statements in the program have executed at least once during testing and that all logical conditions have been exericed.white box testing in the small implying that this test is typically applied to small program components.

     In black box testing, the structure of the program is not considered. Test cases are decided solely on the basis of the requirements or specification of the program and the internals of the program or module are not considered for the selection of test cases.
     In black box testing, the tester only knows the inputs that can be given to the system and what output the system should give. This form of testing is also called functional or behavioral testing. Black box testing was conducted for each of the modules and all of them were established to work properly. Test cases were developed that will result in the execution of every instruction in the program.

     Unit testing comprises of a set performed by an individual programmer prior to the integration of the unit into large system. A large program unit is usually small enough that the programmer who developed and that can be in great detail and certainly in greater detail than possible when the unit is integrated into an evolving software project.
All the units that make up the system were tested independently to ensure that they work as required .Dummy data were used to check whether table manipulators are being carried out.


     It is a system technique for constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with interfacing. The objective is to take unit tested modules and build a program structure that has been dictated by design. Bottom up integration is the traditional strategy used to integrate the components of a software system into functioning whole.
     Bottom up integration consists of unit test followed by testing of the entire system. A subsystem consists of several modules that communicated with other defined interface. The errors were isolated and corrected to produce a fully functional system. Top down Integration method is an incremental approach to the construction of the program structure. Modules are integrated by moving downwards through the control hierarchy beginning with the main program module and are incorporated into structure in either a depth first or a breadth first manner.
     A series of acceptance tests were conducted to enable the employees of the firm to validate requirements. The End User conducted it. The suggestions, along with the additional requirements of the end user were included in the project.

                     It is to be conducted by the end user without the presence of the developer. It can be conducted over a period of weeks or month. Since it is a long time consuming activity, its result is out of scope of this project report. But its result will help to enhance the product at a later time.

     Validation testing provides the final assurance that the software meets all the functional, behavioral and performance requirements .The software is completely assembled as a package: Interfacing errors have been uncovered, uncollected and final series of software tests Validation Testing may begin. Validation succeeds when the software functions in which the user expects. Validation refers to the process of using software in a live environment in order to find the errors. During the course of validating the system, failures may occur and sometimes the coding has to be changed according to the requirement. Thus the feedback from the validation phase generally produces changes in the software.

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